1.If you want to register on our website, you can create an account first. If not, you can also shop directly. Fill in the First Name, Last Name, Email and Password, and you will get a steblla account. See as following:
2. Choose the product you want to order, and choose the size and color you want, then click the button "ADD TO CART" (Tips: please see the Size Chart of each product in the "Description").
3.The product will be added to your shopping cart. You can check it by clicking cart logo on the the top right. You can also change the amount by changing the number. If you also need other products, please also add it to your shopping cart in the same way. When it feels like you have added all that you want, please click “CHECK OUT” button.
4.Enter your customer information. A threshold sale, in this example we saved $18, new customers can get an additional 10% off with coupon code "NEW10". In this example we saved $12. Click "Continue Shipping" and select a shipping method. It will look like this:
5.Choose Payment Method and decide your Billing address. If you have an PayPal account, you can pay with Paypal, If not, you can pay with Credit/Debit Card. See as Bellow:
6.If you pay with PayPal, please click button “Complete order”, then you will see a window of Paypal. You can just log in your PayPal account and pay for it.
7. After order is placed, you will see your order information in your account. Your register email will also receive an confirm information about your order. If you have more questions, please contact for help.